Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Moon and Mythos

a la olwen

the fabular moon, unequivocal,
argentine in tiding time,
tugs the waves of my heart
fro and to phantasmal dreams

witness the boreal sky-shivers
boring into my deep being
where black, shadow, light
are born in a breath-bright

moment, it passes, and forever
bliss scars my sea-deep soul
scalding love, blanket violence
together we're never far from home

lunar lunacy, hanging bloody by,
a heavenly sacrifice, only why?

All too often, we flatten our colors into the simplest pictures of black and white. Knowing what we know now, what ill-prepared, naïve decisions might we make? There is little merit to making colorful decisions from black and white knowledge; we are not myths. How often, in our daily lives, do we find characters of unequivocal evil, or unblemished good? The knight in shining, undusty, unnotched armor must be fighting inside a mythos quarantine, for the moment he steps outside his sterilized story, dust settles into the corners, and branches snap at his suit, and swords will seek chinks in his defenses.

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