Thursday, November 28, 2013


I like the coincidence of Chanukah and Thanksgiving. The farther north you travel, the darker the season surrounding Thanksgiving. For instance, living in the southern US, you may have days that are still longer than 10 hours, while here, we may have 90 minutes less "day" each day. Intrinsic in Chanukah is the God-given nature of light, especially when none ought be. That it appears in the darkest season (for the northern hemisphere) has definitely helped me refocus on Yeshua's guiding light through our spiritual, emotional, and anxious seasons. I'm ever reminded of how God appeared as a pillar of flame for the Israelites as they were led from Egypt (which links Chanukah to my favorite holiday: Passover), and I'm encouraged by this beacon of promise and hope, even when my future footsteps aren't clear.

I'm thankful for all those in my life who have been lights for me: family, friends, mentors. They are too many to name, and my words would be insufficient praise for their love. I cringe a little, because I feel like thanksgiving almost makes me feel cliche about thankfulness. It should not. Being thankful is something we can almost always use a little more of, even especially in the darkest times of the year.

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