Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Eager. The word slides across my tongue with a bite, a bitter edge. Eee-ger. Am I so? Give me a choice and after a thousand days, an endless age, I will still prefer you speak, and I listen and harbor deep my sibylline dreams. I'm a ladybug on a leaf, all dainty, red fragility, and a whimsical wind might tear my spots from me. Meager, is me plus eager, and I'm a cradle in the tops of trees, rocking in the briskest of breezes. There are stories everywhere, and even the word silence has a sound, so listen. Eagerly.

Today, I became enthralled with superpowers. Those almost spiritual giftings the people around me possess that strike awe in me at every revelation: A's intuitive observation, M's memory of people, J's absurd recollection of stories read throughout life, and so on. I was listening to AH discuss his life's up and downs over these past few months, and afterwards I realized that if you patiently pay attention long enough, you can see the super in those you love. AH has a superpower as much as any of the rest of my friends, and the longer I engage with his words, wisdom and wit, the closer I draw to discovering how that gifting interacts with my life.
And then I got to thinking, what is my superpower? I don't have remarkable reading comprehension (J), hospitality, graciousness, and patience for people (S), memory magic (M), intuitive and observational prowess (A) - what do I have? I think I know, but as I've digested what I know over the past few days, I still can't help but believe my superpower seems, under the light I've exposed it, a wee bit sinister. But then, I'm partially left-handed, hmm?

Two fun little conversations today about birthdays:
1. (Ben-Matthew) - paraphrased:
B: "Will you agree to my birthday terms?
M: "Yes, of course. If you will agree to mine."
B: "As long as they don't contradict mine, sure. What are yours?"
M: "That I may get you some non-birthday gifts."

2. (Ben-AH) - paraphrased
B: *birthday explanation*
AH: "Ah, that's clever. I see what you did there."
B: "So do you understand?"
...after dinner....
AH: "So if I made you something, what sort of thing would you like?"
B:    :-( sewiouswy?

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